The Collected works of Joey La Meche

Show open Saturday 18, Sunday 19 Jan 2020 — 10 - 4

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Joey La Meche, or Joey Dean as he is known locally, is a graphic artist with a heavy leaning towards the hand-crafted.

He first studied graphic design back in 2005 at Norwich City College, before moving on to study at UCA Epsom, south of London in 2007. After having fulfilled his umpteenth unpaid internship and helped design packaging for yet another product he had no emotional investment in, Joey shunned his former creative path in search of something new, something deeper. This turned into 12-month backpacking trip to the far East that took the better part of 10 years.

Now returning to the UK Joey has come to mash together the practical, formal lessons of his graphic design training, with something altogether more free and expressive, steeply rooted in the hand-made.

The work you will see on display in LOVE ALL FEAR NONE will reflect Joey's return to his illustrative roots; a collection of hand painted large scale murals, branding concepts, guerrilla poster graffiti, custom painted vehicles and a wealth of wearable artwork.

This collection however, is only the beginning because according to Joey himself; he is just getting started!

Follow- @joeylameche

Private View Friday 17 Jan — 6 - 8.30 pm


Royal Arcade mural as part of BID Norfolk


Royal Arcade mural as part of BID Norfolk